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有何方法可延緩腦退化呢? 9 年 3 個月前 #21

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蘋果日報 4月8日

跨代溝通 有助對抗認知障礙 8 年 11 個月前 #22

Integrating social activities for seniors in communities improves mental health and overall well-being

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/050776_senior_citizens_social_activities_mental_health.html

Most people believe that their memory and cognition are going to decline as they grow older. Dementia is so widespread today that many adults now believe it's just a normal part of the aging and dying process. Research from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health proves otherwise.

After engaging seniors in meaningful social activities with schoolchildren for two years, researchers noticed a drastic turnaround in the cognition seniors. In fact, the memory center in the seniors' brains did not shrink as expected. The cortical and hippocampus regions of their brain actually maintained size and even expanded in many cases. The greatest increases in brain volume were also correlated with the greatest improvements on memory tests.

Seniors retain memory and gain brain volume after two years of mentoring school children

The social activities used in the study went beyond just nursing home activities that confine seniors to one space where they are only allowed to interact with those their age. Instead, the social activities in the study reconnected seniors with school children. For two years, the seniors served as mentors for young children at public schools. Working as teacher aides, the seniors helped children learn to read and navigate school libraries.

"Someone once said to me that being in this program removed the cobwebs from her brain and this study shows that is exactly what is happening," said study leader Michelle Carlson, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "By helping others, participants are helping themselves in ways beyond just feeding their souls. They are helping their brains. The brain shrinks as part of aging, but with this program we appear to have stopped that shrinkage and are reversing part of the aging process."

Breaking down the study, Carlson shows that the divide between the older and the younger in society is a driving factor for dementia, Alzheimer's and overall memory decline in seniors. How might this same disconnection between generations negatively affect children as well?

In the study, 58 participants with an average age of 67.2 years engaged in 24 months of social activities with children. Another 53 seniors not engaged in the activities were also studied. An MRI scan at the onset of the study and at 12 and 24 months showed either memory decline, maintenance or growth in the hippocampus and cortical regions of the brain. All participants shared similar states of health, socioeconomic status and education levels.

Disconnected and isolated seniors show memory loss, cognitive decline

Those who did not engage in social activities with young school children showed marked brain atrophy. After age 65, this is usually signified by a loss of 0.8 percent to 2 percent in brain matter.

On the plus side, those who participated in the social activities for two years showed brain volume expansion between 0.7 and 1.6 percent. Men showed the greatest gains.

"We're not training them on one skill, like doing crossword puzzles," said Carlson. "We're embedding complexity and novelty into their daily lives, something that tends to disappear once people retire. The same things that benefit us at 5, 10, 25, 35 -- contact with others, meaningful work -- are certain to benefit us as we age."

During the two years, seniors engaged in activities that most retire or separate themselves from. The study provided the unique daily opportunity for seniors to get out of the house, walk to the bus, and traverse the stairs and hallways of public schools. Most importantly, seniors got to engage interpersonally with children, working in teams and sharing knowledge. They engaged in problem solving that they wouldn't normally have engaged in if they would have just stayed home.

This study shows the importance of giving seniors purpose and reconnecting them with youth. In today's society, the young and old are separated more than ever before. This study shows that isolating elders from meaningful interaction is what ultimately crushes their memory and destroys the very essence of their existence.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050776_senior_citizens_social_activities_mental_health.html#ixzz3jFruRJ1p
最後修改原因: 8 年 11 個月前 來自 Ryan (「樂活新中年」創辦人).

腦疲勞特徵 8 年 8 個月前 #23

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香港人生活節奏急速,容易感到疲勞。 原來某些疲勞症狀是身體發出訊號腦部需要休息。


1. 朝早醒來不願起床;眼睛疲勞,不斷打呵欠。

2. 走路提不起腳。

3. 不想參加社交活動,不願見陌生人。

4. 不想說話,說話聲音細而短,有氣無力。

5. 坐下就不願起身,經常發呆;下肢沉重,休息時總想將腳放在桌上。

6. 說話、寫東西時經常出錯。

7. 記憶力下降。

8. 提不起精神,經常想用茶或咖啡提神。

9. 口苦、食慾差。

10. 吸煙、喝酒情況,有增無減。

11. 經常出現耳鳴、頭暈、目眩、煩躁及易怒等狀況。

12. 入睡困難,經常想東想西,易醒又多夢。



人攰定腦攰? 腦部過勞特徵知多少?
蘋果日報 2015年10月30日


Natural News 8 年 8 個月前 #24

(NaturalNews) Most people believe that their memory and cognition are going to decline as they grow older. Dementia is so widespread today that many adults now believe it's just a normal part of the aging and dying process. Research from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health proves otherwise.

After engaging seniors in meaningful social activities with schoolchildren for two years, researchers noticed a drastic turnaround in the cognition seniors. In fact, the memory center in the seniors' brains did not shrink as expected. The cortical and hippocampus regions of their brain actually maintained size and even expanded in many cases. The greatest increases in brain volume were also correlated with the greatest improvements on memory tests.

Seniors retain memory and gain brain volume after two years of mentoring school children
The social activities used in the study went beyond just nursing home activities that confine seniors to one space where they are only allowed to interact with those their age. Instead, the social activities in the study reconnected seniors with school children. For two years, the seniors served as mentors for young children at public schools. Working as teacher aides, the seniors helped children learn to read and navigate school libraries.

"Someone once said to me that being in this program removed the cobwebs from her brain and this study shows that is exactly what is happening," said study leader Michelle Carlson, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "By helping others, participants are helping themselves in ways beyond just feeding their souls. They are helping their brains. The brain shrinks as part of aging, but with this program we appear to have stopped that shrinkage and are reversing part of the aging process."

Breaking down the study, Carlson shows that the divide between the older and the younger in society is a driving factor for dementia, Alzheimer's and overall memory decline in seniors. How might this same disconnection between generations negatively affect children as well?

In the study, 58 participants with an average age of 67.2 years engaged in 24 months of social activities with children. Another 53 seniors not engaged in the activities were also studied. An MRI scan at the onset of the study and at 12 and 24 months showed either memory decline, maintenance or growth in the hippocampus and cortical regions of the brain. All participants shared similar states of health, socioeconomic status and education levels.

Disconnected and isolated seniors show memory loss, cognitive decline
Those who did not engage in social activities with young school children showed marked brain atrophy. After age 65, this is usually signified by a loss of 0.8 percent to 2 percent in brain matter.

On the plus side, those who participated in the social activities for two years showed brain volume expansion between 0.7 and 1.6 percent. Men showed the greatest gains.

"We're not training them on one skill, like doing crossword puzzles," said Carlson. "We're embedding complexity and novelty into their daily lives, something that tends to disappear once people retire. The same things that benefit us at 5, 10, 25, 35 -- contact with others, meaningful work -- are certain to benefit us as we age."

During the two years, seniors engaged in activities that most retire or separate themselves from. The study provided the unique daily opportunity for seniors to get out of the house, walk to the bus, and traverse the stairs and hallways of public schools. Most importantly, seniors got to engage interpersonally with children, working in teams and sharing knowledge. They engaged in problem solving that they wouldn't normally have engaged in if they would have just stayed home.

This study shows the importance of giving seniors purpose and reconnecting them with youth. In today's society, the young and old are separated more than ever before. This study shows that isolating elders from meaningful interaction is what ultimately crushes their memory and destroys the very essence of their existence.

Sources for this article include:



Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050776_senior_citizens_social_activities_mental_health.html#ixzz3j29Yqp2Z

Natural News 8 年 8 個月前 #25

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Programmes that empower and enable Young Olds to reactivate their youthful energies while reconnecting with kids indeed can induce living revival at the Golden Age.

如何防止腦部提早退化 8 年 3 個月前 #26

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人接近50歲難免感覺到身體起變化,除了體能不及年輕時,新中年覺得自己”記性差了”也很普遍。不少人會開始擔心自己年紀大會患認知障礙。最近看到一篇文章,提出如何改善”腦初老”, 非常值得新中年留意。



1. 腦可以訓練 - 學習, 閱讀、下棋、打橋牌、玩拼圖、猜字謎、上課學樂器、語言等,都是專家經常推薦的活動。刺激要新奇、多感官參與、具關連性。要保持頭腦清醒,學習活動必須有別於常態生活,內容必須是新的才能引起感官注意。熟悉的事物對大腦不會產生應有的刺激。學習原來自己不會又能引起個人興趣的事物效果最佳。

2. 變化作息 - 打破每天吃飯、工作、購物、休閒等日常規律,讓全新經歷引起知覺注意,給自己多重解決問題的思路與創意。把周遭環境重新安排,使大腦重新學習認知新的空間,讓視覺與觸覺活化。學習時專心能加強記憶,「不要一心二用,一次不要做太多事情,」保持年輕的心,常和年輕人在一起能延緩老化。

3. 適當飲食 - 食物內容豐富多樣,不要吃精緻、化學處理過的食物。要吃低脂食物,儘量攝取植物性蛋白質。限制膽固醇,避免吃甜食,也不要食用包裝食物,以免吃進氧化的油脂、防腐劑或高量飽和脂肪和糖。

4. 運動幫助減壓、促進腦內啡、血清素分泌,對腦健康有益。

5. 控制壓力 - 資訊膨脹使人很難避免不知選擇與來不及吸收的壓力。社會網路化令人際關係疏離,使人寂寞倍感壓力。保持心智清晰,讓生活簡單,學習「放下」,正面思考、控制情緒都可以幫助我們對抗壓力,專注而客觀。冥想、音樂、瑜伽等讓身體放鬆紓解壓力方式都能使心靈放鬆。

6. 正面的社交生活 - 社會參與和社交滿意度高可以預防失智。不論是參加藝文活動、與人討論或約會,都能經由互動建立友誼與歸屬關係,刺激腦部各個功能區域活動。

連結: http://m.commonhealth.com.tw/article/article.action?nid=64959

認知障礙 8 年 1 個月前 #27

台醫生:腦退化長者走失兩三天 死亡率達四成


音樂訓練助抗認知障礙 - 樂活博客文章推介 7 年 10 個月前 #28

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社聯頻道:音樂認知訓練 助抗認知障礙

社福界的調查顯示,在全港六十五歲以上的長者當中,每十人就有一人患有認知障礙 (腦退化),目前全港約有九至十萬人患病,估計到2036年,患病的人數將會高達二十八......


手機app 閱讀請到博客名人作家社聯頻道欄目

音樂訓練助抗認知障礙 - 樂活博客文章推介 7 年 10 個月前 #29

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跨代溝通 有助對抗認知障礙 7 年 9 個月前 #30

我們希望開展更多跨代溝通的項目,有興趣參與的朋友請發電郵到 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

【樂活新中年】活動推介 - 認知障礙症講座 (免費) 7 年 8 個月前 #31

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日期:11月26日 (星期六)
時間:下午2:30 - 5:30
地點:觀塘偉業街223-231 號宏利金融中心A座12樓
費用: 免費

網上報名 :

查詢 : WhatsApp 6842 9033

講座內容 :
1. 腦神經科專科醫生袁孟豪醫生講解「認知障礙症」成因和分類、疾病徵兆、治療及預防方法 (2:30pm-3:30pm)

2. Cognix介紹全港首個自助認知評估系統及提供試用 (3:30pm-4:30pm)
Cognix的認知評估系統於香港科學園研發,系統讓更多適齡市民(55歲以上人士)接受定期的評估,推廣認知評估,有助市民避免錯失認知障礙症(腦退化症)的黃金治療期,真正做到「及時發現,及早治療,延緩衰退」。評估測試涵蓋專注力、前瞻性記憶、延遲記憶、視覺構建、環境定向 及語言理解等多項認知能力。

3. 樂活新中年介紹有助預防「認知障礙症」的活動 (4:30pm-5:00pm)

4. 宏利保險介紹一個專門涵蓋「認知障礙症」的保險產品;及提供強積金整合 (5:00pm-5:30pm)

日期: 11月26日 - 11月27日
時間: 1430 - 1730
地點: 觀塘偉業街223-231 號宏利金融中心A座12樓
費用: 免費

了解更多: https://www.happy-retired.com/activity-details/20161108111758/

大腦健康小貼士 7 年 8 個月前 #32

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大腦健康小貼士 7 年 8 個月前 #33

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梳化族不運動的健康風險 - 失智症 (Alzhemer's Disease) 7 年 5 個月前 #34

現在有份加拿大的研究, 在家呆坐梳化亦增加失智症 (認知障礙症)的風險.
這項研究成果已發表於〈阿茲海默症期刊〉(Journal of Alzheimer's Disease)。研究團隊追蹤1600多名加拿大民眾5年時間,結果發現,基因遺傳、生活習慣與失智症息息相關。
所以大家要多做運動, 玩用腦筋活動.
在65歲被驗出有失智症至少5%, 尚未計隱藏的患者. 建議每年做測試.

最後修改原因: 7 年 5 個月前 來自 樂活新中年.

梳化族不運動的健康風險 - 失智症 (Alzhemer's Disease) 7 年 5 個月前 #35


如何防止腦部提早退化 7 年 4 個月前 #36


【精神情緒】研究:興趣廣泛 助防腦退化 7 年 4 個月前 #37

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長者常做運動 思考力高12%



如何防止腦部提早退化 7 年 4 個月前 #38

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【中年健康】冇記性定認知障礙? 7 年 4 個月前 #39

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最後修改原因: 7 年 4 個月前 來自 .

【中年健康】冇記性定認知障礙? 7 年 3 個月前 #40

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